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ThinkPad Hates TBWVE571 G Major 17
I hate TBWVE571’s g major 17 40 powers more
I Hate The TBWVE571's G Major 17 100 Powers More!! Vs Braxton Hudson
I hate haha major
I Hate TBWVE571’s G Major 7 55 POWERS MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vs Everyone
Thinkpad hates the g major 9 by rj kumar 80 powers more round 4 vs @depression473
I HATE The G major 16 R17 Vs Myself (17/20) (No One is Next)
I Hate TBWVE571's G Major 23 40 Powers More
I Hate The @DandyTheObjectThingy1047HD's G Major Collection (1-7) 35 Powers More
I hate the haha major even more
I Hate the G Major 16 40 POWERS MORE vs @Blue-o6q and Everyone
i hate g major 16 13 powers more vs@red_cube583